Business Planning

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Start with a plan

You might be too busy working in your business to work on your business.

We can help free up your time, reduce your risk and unlock business growth potential with our business plan development process.

Define your business goals with a business plan

Whether you’re contemplating a start-up venture or have an existing business, a business plan is critical to your success.

A business plan will increase the level of growth, profitability and cash flow in your business while also providing accountability as well as help to communicate your business goals and vision.

The Trillium six step business plan process

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1. Review

We undertake an in-depth review of your business to identify opportunities.

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4. Create Action Plan

We create a plan, which includes clear strategies and tactics to achieve your goals.

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2. Analyse

We analyse to uncover opportunities and vulnerabilities

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5. Define KPIs

We will establish Key Performance Indicators to track the path to meeting your goals.

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3. Set Goals

Together, we set measurable, achievable, realistic business goals.

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6. Meet Goals

We want you to succeed and we remain here to help you meet or exceed your goals.


Read what our clients say

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Taming the 8

“The Trillium team helped us put together an excellent business plan. Working with 8 of us, each with differing opinions, Matthew got us to work as a group to agree on a set of clear priorities, and commit to achievable objectives”.

JM - Auckland

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The surprise

“After many years as a specialist in my area, I had Matthew sit me down and put together a business plan with me. One of the most surprising outcomes was that my drive and motivation to improve my business went through the roof.”

CM - Wellington

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The rethink

“Creating my business plan with the Trillium Team was an emotional experience. I was significantly challenged to redesign my products and rethink my business. This has been the absolute foundation for my success.”

RM - Wellington

Let us help you with your business plan

Sign up now for a FREE one hour business review meeting