Terms of Use



Every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct and clearly expressed information possible within this site. Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur and applicable laws, rules and regulations may change.

The information contained in this site is general and is not intended to serve as advice. No warranty is given in relation to the accuracy or reliability of any information. Users should not act or fail to act on the basis of information contained herein. Users are encouraged to contact Trillium Business Advisors for advice concerning specific matters before making any decision.

Some of the names, locations and images of clients providing testimonials on this site have been changed for privacy at the request of those clients.


Welcome to this website hosted by Trillium Business Advisors (we, our, us). When we use the terms you and your, we are referring to any organisation or person who accesses the website. By accessing and using this site, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of use and our privacy statement.


We may change our terms of use and copyright and our privacy statement at any time. If we consider that these changes are significant, we will provide you with notice of such changes, whether on this site or by email. You accept that notice of a change on this site is sufficient notice to you. Your continued use of the site after such changes means you consent to those changes.


Our content and your use of it

Unless otherwise indicated, we or our licensors are the owners of the intellectual property rights in this site and the content on this site. You may not use our intellectual property rights and content unless authorised to do so under these terms or by us in writing.

Subject to our qualifications below, you may not reproduce Trillium Business Advisors’ material in any format or media without obtaining our specific permission to do so.

In addition, the licence above does not apply to the website’s design elements or to any other organisation’s emblems or logos. These elements, emblems and logos may not be reproduced without our written consent.


Where copyright material is owned by a third party, that will be indicated. You may not do anything with material owned by a third party that would breach their intellectual property rights unless you have their permission. We cannot grant that permission.


You agree to indemnify us for any loss or costs we incur due to your breaching these terms of use. This clause does not apply to State Services agencies and their staff.


Views or opinions expressed on the website are not necessarily endorsed by Trillium Business Advisors, and their publication on the website shall not be taken as an endorsement of any kind.


Trillium Business Advisors provides links to other websites when we think you may be interested in what they offer. We do not necessarily endorse those websites or their content, and we have no control over the conduct of the companies or organisations operating those websites.


Trillium Business Advisors may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the website at any time, including any service or content offered by or through this website.

Updated 26 Oct 2019