Tax Services


Tax Services

Tax may scare, confuse or bore you but we love it, which is why our taxation consulting division is nationally recognised.

We provide expert advice based on proven knowledge and experience.

Taxation can be a major cost to you and your business.

We aim to minimise the tax you pay and remove the stress of knowing when your tax is due.

We provide a complete service n each of these areas:

Preparing tax returns

Let our team of experts free up your time and ensure that your tax is minimised, allowing you to sleep better at night.

Entity structuring

We are the experts on advice and implementation of tax effective trust structures for asset protection and tax minimisation.

Goods and Service Tax (GST)

Let us take the hassle out of GST. GST legislation is an area we know like the back of our hand and we provide accurate, timely assistance in several areas, including:

  • Registration queries

  • Preparing GST returns

  • Filing and adjusting GST returns

  • IRD audit assistance

  • Specialist events involving GST, for example, sale or purchase of property

Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT):

Rather than paying excessive amounts of FBT, let our experts, who are up to date with the ever changing FBT rules, advise on the FBT consequences of related business decisions.

Read what our clients say

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Tax paid

After a couple of reversals in my life Matthew has structured me for complete asset protection. All my business income is now tax paid. I feel very well looked after.

DB - Wellington

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Explosive growth

“We saw Trillium about a business idea. Working with them we hammered out a simple but effective shareholders agreement, and went on to concentrate on our explosive growth.”

AK - Wellington

Trillium Business advisor customer

Understanding tax

“I am good at what I do but I don’t understand tax. Fortunately Trillium does and that means I don’t have to worry about it. They answer my questions quickly in language I understand.

SM - Wellington

We can help you with your tax

Sign up now for a FREE one hour review meeting