


We may collect your personal information in the following circumstances:

  • when you create, modify or use any accounts or registered user facilities available through this website;

  • when you complete forms on this website (including e-newsletter sign-up, surveys, search forms, competition entry forms, registration forms and other forms); and

  • in the course of receiving questions, comments or other communications from you.


The personal information we collect will be used to operate this website, assist you with services or advice that we may provide you, provide you with services you have authorised and requested, and provide you with advice and information we think may help you. We may also use your personal information to:

  • respond to any questions or correspondence from you

  • improve this website and any related services

  • carry out internal research and development

  • provide you with information about a service you are using (including critical updates and announcements)

  • eliminate the need for you to repeatedly enter the same information

  • customise this website to suit your particular preferences and interests

  • send a message you have created using this website – the message could be to us, or any other recipient specified by you

  • analyse website usage, trends and statistics

  • supply you with further information concerning products and services we think could be of interest to you

  • enforce our rights under our terms of use

  • carry out any other use authorised by you, or told to you at the time of collection.


We may disclose your personal information if you have authorised us to do so, or if we have told you about the intended disclosure and you have not objected to that disclosure.

We may also disclose your personal information in any of the following circumstances:

  • we may disclose your email address to third parties for customised advertising programs ie. Facebook for the purposes of serving relevant and personalised ad content

  • we believe disclosure is necessary to protect the rights or property of Trillium Business Advisors including, without limitation, employees or contractors of Trillium Business Advisors, or enforce any legal rights we may have

  • we believe disclosure is necessary to protect the rights, property and safety of you, us or others

  • we believe disclosure is necessary to assist a law enforcement agency or an agency responsible for national security in the performance or their functions

  • we are required or permitted by law to disclose the information.


We will take every reasonable precaution to ensure your personal information is stored securely and cannot be accessed by others. However, you should be aware that there are inherent risks associated with transmitting personal information across the internet.


As you use this website, certain statistical information may be passively collected (that is, gathered without your active participation). This will be done using technologies and means such as internet protocol addresses, cookies, internet tags and navigational data collection. Information collected may include:

  • server addresses

  • top-level domain names

  • dates and times of visits to the website

  • pages accessed

  • documents downloaded

  • links clicked on

  • search terms used

  • previous websites visited

  • the type of browser and operating system used

  • the type of device used

  • demographic information such as age group and gender (however, this information does not allow us to identify you personally).

This information is used for website improvement and to ensure a personalised user experience.


Trillium Business Advisors uses a technology commonly referred to as ’cookies’. A cookie is a token that is stored on your computer. When you access the token acts as a record-keeping device. Cookies help us provide additional functionality to you and help us analyse site usage more accurately.

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies. If you do not wish to receive cookies from, you can set your browser to refuse them or to warn you when you are about to receive one. Please note that some features and services may not function properly if you disable cookies.


You have the right to access and to request correction of any of your personal information that we hold. To exercise this right, or to ask us anything else in relation to your privacy, please contact us in writing or by email:

The Privacy Officer
Trillium Business Advisors
Level 2, 24 Johnston Street
Wellington CBD 6011


We value your comments and opinions. If you have comments, questions or complaints about any of our services or website policies please contact Trillium Business Advisors.

Updated 26 Oct 2019